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Asian Chemical Connections

China polyolefins: several years of history pass in just one week

LAST WEEK I challenged whether the longstanding “put option” for petrochemicals companies and investors would still apply to China 2022.

The put option rests on the well-proven notion that the worst things get in the short term, the better the immediate outlook because Beijing always rides to the rescue with big economic stimulus.

The challenge I posed to the put option was that China might only tinker around the edges of its Common Prosperity economic reforms.

European Energy Sovereign Wealth Fund Needed

By John Richardson THE blog met with an old friend on its recent trip to the UK, a scientist, who moaned about her local MP’s  ignorance about why energy self-sufficiency was vital for any economy. “He is opposed to shale gas and shale oil because of all the concerns about  fracking causing earthquakes and water […]

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