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Chemicals and the Economy

Oil market hype fails to take prices out of their triangle

Pity for a moment those poor souls whose income depends on finding ever-more creative ways of justifying today’s record levels of oil prices.  One by one, all their favourite stories have disappeared.  Even the traditional summer warnings of record hurricane disruption have so far failed to deliver. How different it is from the start of the crisis, when the […]

UK plans switch to polymer banknotes

The UK plans to join Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Singapore in switching to polymer banknotes. On Tuesday, the Bank of England announced a public consultation on the issue.  It gives 3 main reasons for the change: The new notes will be more secure, as they will have advanced features making them more difficult to […]

Boom/Gloom Index shows sentiment remains positive

US and UK policymakers have been more upbeat recently in claiming that “the economy was turning a corner”.  Although they have not yet gone as far as in September 2009, when the G20 issued a statement that began “It worked!”, and claimed the recession was now over. Helpfully, the IeC Boom/Gloom Index has again done its job in capturing this improved sentiment.  […]

China lending remains out of control ahead of November’s plenum

The blog’s views on the unsustainability of China’s epic economic growth since 2009 have now become truly mainstream.  Everyone now agrees, including the new leadership, that it was created by a credit bubble.  State-owned China Daily has even now warned that a commercial property bubble potentially now exists alongside the residential bubble and the infrastructure ‘white elephants’, adding: “Once […]

Ronald Coase dies at age 102

Ronald Coase is one of those great thinkers whose ideas have influenced the business world, even though most people have never heard their name. The blog only heard of him in the early 1990s, and was astounded when it read his work.  The book had the rather dry title of “The firm, the market and the […]

India’s auto industry “continues towards downwards path”

Car companies are normally optimistic.  You rarely hear them saying that things are saying that things are bad – they prefer instead to focus on how things are just about to get better. This makes recent statements by India’s auto manufacturers association even more remarkable.  August sales data was announced in a press release headed “Auto Industry […]

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