Home Blogs Chemicals and the Economy Why have oil prices fallen? Will China’s growth recover in 2015?

Why have oil prices fallen? Will China’s growth recover in 2015?

By Paul Hodges on 10-Dec-2014

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Chemistry & the Economy:  2014 Year-End Review

Some excellent questions have already been submitted for my year-end webinar tomorrow with the American Chemical Society.

  • Why have oil prices fallen?
  • Will China’s growth recover in 2015 – and if so, will it be back to the ‘bad old ways’ of stimulus?
  • Why are the stock prices of large chemical companies like Dow Chemical, Lyondell Basel and Westlake Chemical falling so badly, when there is a surplus of oil and when the price of oil and natural gas is low.  Please explain.  Thank you
  • What is the long term effect of cheap NGL feedstocks for plastics production?
  • What is likelihood that crude oil price will drop further – how far?

Please join me tomorrow to discuss these and other critical issues tomorrow in my ‘Year-End Review’ for the American Chemical Society.  It will be moderated by Mark Jones of Dow Chemical.

The webinar takes place on  Thursday @ 2pm – 3pm Eastern US Time

Free registration is at  Chemistry & the Economy: 2014 Year-End Review