Response Summary

ICIS Responses and Decision

There were two formal responses to consultation GMC 36/14, both to be published anonymously, both regarding the PVC Europe report.  To read the anonymised public responses please click on the links below.

The first response presented the view that the report should concentrate on reflecting price changes from period to period, and not the absolute prices. The respondent explained that this was preferable because of the variation in gross and net levels between customers, and that the publication of net prices was not in the respondent’s interest. The second response noted that the absolute prices were above the market level.

The first respondent wanted to see a separate Turkey/Egypt spot assessment in PVC, in addition to the Med (France/Italy/Spain) contract assessment.

Both respondents felt that the FOB export assessment should include all market participants, not just traders and distributors.

The above comments will be taken into account in future coverage, and the market will be canvassed to see whether there is any broader support for these proposals, particularly on reporting deltas rather than absolute numbers. A final decision on this will be made by the end of January 2015.

ICIS will not be proposing any immediate changes to the methodology of the PVC report. Any decision to change this methodology will be communicated to subscribers using the usual channels and with the usual notice period.

ICIS continues to welcome any feedback on its PVC methodology outside of the formal consultation process.

To provide further comments or feedback please contact Barbara Ortner, Head of Market Reporting:

This document is not open for consultation