The ICIS Soap Noodle Report is published weekly in Asia

  • The report covers the spot SE Asia, China domestic and India domestic prices in Asia of standard 80/20 blend
  • Commentary includes information on the Malaysian, Indonesia and Taiwanese Soap noodle markets when applicable
  • Other non-assessed grades such as 90/10 and 70/30 are also included where relevant
  • The report includes spot deals, bids and offers, and buy/sell notions for the quotes assessed. Factors such as supply/demand balance, feedstock trends and prices are also taken into account in the assessments

Active Documents

Soap Noodles Methodology Consultation 2021


ICIS is implementing a process of rolling consultation on all of its pricing methodologies. This consultation paper is part of this formal process and covers all of the ICIS primary price points included in the soap noodles weekly publications. The consultation asks both general questions about the suitability of the ICIS pricing methodology and questions […]

Soap Noodles Methodology – 29 May 2023


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for soap noodles. ICIS quotes soap noodles prices in Southeast Asia. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. For a copy of an archived methodology document, please email To find out more, please […]

Soap Noodles Methodology Consultation 2024


ICIS is implementing a process of rolling consultation on all of its pricing methodologies. This consultation paper is part of this formal process and covers all of the ICIS primary price points included in the soap noodles weekly publications. The consultation asks both general questions about the suitability of the ICIS pricing methodology and questions […]