Author Archives: Sarah Creswell

China Refinery Operating Analysis Monthly (CROAM) Report Methodology – 1 June 2018


This is the methodology for the ICIS China Refinery Operating Analysis Monthly (CROAM), which reports the latest developments in the major/state-owned refinery sector in China monthly. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. To find out more, please see China-Refinery-Operating-Analysis-Monthly-Report-Methodology-1-June-2018

Para/Ortho-Xylenes Methodology – 13 July 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for para/ortho-xylenes. ICIS pricing quotes paraxylene and orthoxylene in combined reports published separately in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the US Gulf. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please […]

Polyethylene Terephthalate Consultation Responses 2018

Response Summary

PET Methodology Consultation – Summary of responses Following the announcement that ICIS would be launching a formal methodology consultation process, we have received 6 confidential responses to consultation GMC 32/18. One respondent asked for the addition of an assessment that would be an index of all the raw materials going in to PET. This would […]

Styrene Methodology – 11 July 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for styrene. ICIS quotes styrene prices in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the US Gulf. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Styrene-Methodology-11-July-2018

EDEM Methodology Consultation 2018


ICIS may consult on specific changes to its price assessment methodologies from time to time. These changes may be to address an issue identified by ICIS in market structure, market behaviour, an existing methodology or in reaction to feedback from customers or market participants on any of these. Consultation paper GMC31/18 was part of this […]

Polyvinyl Chloride Methodology – 3 July 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for polyvinyl chloride (PVC). ICIS quotes PVC prices in Europe, US, Asia-Pacific, China, Middle East and Latin America. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Polyvinyl-Chloride-Methodology-3-July-2018

Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Methodology – 29 June 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET). ICIS quotes RPET prices in Europe. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Recycled-PET-Methodology-29-June-2018

Cyclohexane Methodology – 3 July 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for cyclohexane. ICIS quotes cyclohexane prices in Europe and the US Gulf in a combined report. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Cyclohexane-Methodology-3-July-2018

Acetone Methodology – 29 June 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for acetone. ICIS quotes acetone prices in Europe, Asia-Pacific, India/Middle East, China and the US Gulf. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Acetone-Methodology-29-June-2018

Urea Methodology – 29 June 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for urea. ICIS quotes urea prices weekly in The Market. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Urea-Methodology-29-June-2018