
ICIS publishes the Industrial and Commercial Energy Snapshot (ICES) on every working day of the year in Britain. ICES provides a concise, one page snapshot of the key power and gas prices in Britain, including ICIS end of day-assessments and Heren Indices.

ICES also provides a bullet-point text summary explaining the main drivers of prices in Britain on a daily basis. The information contained in ICES is a summary of the main UK wholesale energy market information contained in the full length daily publications European Spot Gas Markets (ESGM) and European Daily Electricity Markets (EDEM).

ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. For a copy of an archived methodology document, please email

To find out more, please see Industrial Commercial Energy Snapshot Methodology – 21 December 2023