
MMA Methodology Consultation – Summary of responses

Following the recent announcement that ICIS would be launching a formal methodology consultation process, we have received a number of responses from key market players. To read the one anonymised public response please click on the link below.

ICIS received in total 4 responses to the MMA Methodology Consultation.

ICIS Initial Decision

The responses do not provide sufficient feedback for ICIS to change its current methodology for deals-based reporting of MMA contract or spot markets in any of the geographical regions.

There are no major changes required to the methodologies but respondents raised concerns about the lack of sources contacted.

One respondent noted that the US report relied too much on information from small buyers.

ICIS will aim to address these points in the coming months.

The majority of respondents did not want any extra assessments to be added to the reports.

One respondent requested that the Asia assessments should be for “emulsion, paint and sheet”, not PMMA. However, market feedback is that all sectors should be represented in the range.

One request for the addition to the Asia report of an assessment for iso-containers is covered by the current CFR SE Asia 20-300 tonne assessment.

To provide further comments or feedback on the ICIS MMA methodology, please contact:

Barbara Ortner:

This document is not open for consultation