With a network of price reporters and analysts across Asia, Europe and the US, ICIS is fully equipped to keep you updated on everything that happens in the Mixed Plastic Waste, Pyrolysis Oil, and wider chemical and mechanical recycling markets, whether you buy or sell Pyrolysis Oil, Mixed Plastic Waste or related products.

From weekly reports containing price assessments and comprehensive coverage of market trends obtained by our network of local reporters, to the news and analysis that put the market into focus, we provide the tools you need to make confident business decisions.

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Mixed Plastic Waste and Pyrolysis Oil Methodology – 3 October 2023


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for mixed plastic waste and pyrolysis oil. ICIS quotes mixed plastic waste and pyrolysis oil prices in Europe. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. To find out more, please see Mixed Plastic Waste and Pyrolysis Oil Methodology – 3 October 2023