Price Forecasts provide an 18-month prediction on the future price of a chemical commodity by carefully assessing market drivers and feedstock price trends. Forecasts are developed by our independent, global network of market experts and analysts across the value chain. They are readily accessible through ICIS Digital, to customers who have purchased Price Forecasts as part of their license agreement.
Customers get instant, always on access to an 18-month Forecast of monthly average or monthly contract prices across a rapidly expanding portfolio of 30 of the world’s most traded commodities – allowing customers and their organisations to more reliably make decisions today, while planning for the future.
When major unplanned market changes occur day to day, we will publish an update to the Forecast rather than waiting until the next scheduled monthly update to the forecast.
ICIS Price Forecast models are consistent and fully integrated from crude oil and feedstocks to downstream commodities – acknowledging the strong interconnection across chemical value chains.