General Compliance & Methodology

ICIS business is founded on its reputation for independence, accuracy, impartiality and objectivity.Our customers rely on ICIS for accurate information. Customers must feel confident that information relayed by ICIS, whether verbally, in print, on screen or in data form, has not been influenced by any commercial, personal or other interests. ICIS has a suite of policies in place to ensure our business is compliant with the high standards our customers expect.

The international reputation of ICIS has been established through dedication to getting the facts right and bringing transparency to opaque markets. We know this means employees of ICIS, especially those concerned with information-gathering, content creation and publication must not engage in any activities that might damage ICIS reputation for independence.

ICIS compliance programme covers its entire business and includes policies, processes, standards, checks, checklists, record keeping and training.

Feedback, Disputes and Complaints Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Data Standards Policy
Editorial Standards
Methodology Consultations Policy
Corrections Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy

Feedback, Disputes and Complaints Policy

ICIS welcomes comments, queries and other feedback on its editorial services, assessments and market-reporting methodologies. ICIS is committed to continuous improvement of its editorial standards, and feedback from customers is vital to that commitment.

To find out more about ICIS Feedback and Complaints Policy

Confidentiality Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define how and when confidentiality is provided to a source and to outline how ICIS operates to ensure that data is only shared both internally and externally in an appropriate way.

To find out more about ICIS Confidentiality Policy

Data Standards Policy

ICIS is grateful for the support and assistance it receives from market sources to obtain complete and accurate information about the commodities markets that it covers. Sources that provide relevant, comprehensive and accurate market data help contribute to healthy and transparent price discovery processes.

To find out more about ICIS Data Standards Policy

Editorial Standards

ICIS business is founded on its reputation for independence, accuracy, impartiality and objectivity. Our customers rely on ICIS for accurate information and base commercial decisions on that accuracy.

To find out more about Editorial Standards

Methodology Consultations Policy

Where possible ICIS will publish on its website advanced notice of a consultation on its methodologies.

All new methodologies will be given an expiry date. This date will be set at the time of the creation of the methodology and will act as a backstop date by which ICIS will conduct its next review of the methodology.

To find out more about ICIS Methodology Consultations Policy

Corrections Policy

ICIS is committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy in its publications. When an error is detected, it will be promptly and transparently corrected and subscribers will be informed, subject to the policies for certain circumstances and individual publications as outlined below.

To find out more about ICIS Corrections Policy

ICIS Conflicts of Interest Policy

This document should be read in conjunction with the Reed Elsevier Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. It is designed to ensure that ICIS staff avoid activities, affiliations or financial interests that interfere with their job performance, loyalty to ICIS or ability to make correct judgements on behalf of ICIS.

This policy will ensure that the work of employees and agents of ICIS (including price assessments) are not influenced by the existence of, or potential for, a commercial or personal business relationship or interest between ICIS, its employees, clients, any market participant or persons connected with them.

The existence of a conflict could consciously or sub-consciously influence the work of ICIS staff and it is therefore important to avoid such situations.

To find out more about ICIS Conflicts of Interest Policy