Thomas Friedman, globalisation, global warming, Peak Oil, Hot, Flat and Crowded, climate change, SABIC
Asian Chemical Connections
Go on, stick your head in deeper
Lehman Brothers, Great Depression, SUVs, ostriches, beer
Uncle Sam back from the dead?
Shell Chemicals, oil price, McKinsey, shipping costs,
Get off your backside!
climate change, Energy Carta, NUS, Project Better Place, Conergy
Do you ever get that sinking feeling?
polar bears, camels, New Scientist, climate change, light bulbs, camels, uptight neighbours, American Pyschological Association, US National Research Council
Gustav points to a much bigger problem
Gustav, Hana, US Gulf, Mexico, demand destrruction, demand relocation, Jeffrey Rubin, BP, CIBC World Markets,
“Reports of my death……
Shell Chemicals, coal gasification, carbon capture and storage, ethane shortage, reverse globalisation, New York Tiimes
The danger of bogus science
climate change, IPCC, New Scientist, Peak Oil, oil-supply crisis, oil prices, oceanic oscillations
Want a place on the Board?
The loneliness of the long distance CEO, CEO board game, the slippery career pole, Victor Newman, Pfizer, Knowledge Activist
Shell plans for the long-term
See below for an extended interview with Shell Chemicals vice president, Ben van Beurden, who talks of the search for new feedstock sources. He raises the possiblity of using syngas from the Pearl GTL project in Qatar to make methanol and then olefins. Or perhaps the high paraffinic naphtha and ethane from the same project […]