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PODCAST: Europe acetone and phenol chain hopeful for 2025, but meaningful recovery unlikely

LONDON (ICIS)–Weak demand continues to be a concern in the European acetone and phenol chain and in the wider chemicals industry and Q4 will remain tough, in view of year-end considerations, but when will demand turn a corner? Europe ICIS editors Jane Gibson (acetone and phenol), Heidi Finch (bisphenol A and epoxy resins), Meeta Ramnani (polycarbonate), Mathew Jolin-Beech (methyl methacrylate) and ICIS senior analyst Michele Bossi (aromatics and derivatives) discuss current market conditions, in particular demand challenges, in view of residual macro and geopolitical headwinds, although easing interest rates and the trade defense investigation for epoxy bring some hopes and opportunities in Europe. However, global oversupply driven by growing capacity in China, falling deep sea freight rates making imports more interesting again and the need for restructuring actions in PC and regulatory changes are just some of the challenges that the chain is facing. Demand fundamentally weak across markets; Q4 destocking on top Acetone/ phenol length to increase when turnarounds end, on poor demand Some hopes, but no big expectations of recovery for 2025 EU epoxy AD case could support more domestic sourcing in 2025 Global oversupply, Asian exports likely to continue to weigh on the chain Restructuring in Europe PC production BPA ban in food contact materials a blow, but widely expected/prepared for Podcast editing by Meeta Ramnani Podomatic Player Podomatic Player


INSIGHT: Spain’s economy, chemicals boom despite political instability woes

SAO PAULO (ICIS)–Spanish chemicals sales are expected to rise in 2024 by 4.8%, compared with 2023, to €86.5 billion while output is expected to expand by 7.1%, the country’s chemicals trade group Feique said this week. The enviable figures for chemicals are expected to be repeated in other manufacturing sectors as well as in the services sector, which makes up around 80% of Spain’s economy and includes its powerful tourism industry. For 2025, Feique forecasts chemicals sales will rise by 4.2%, compared to 2024, pushing the country’s chemicals sales over the €90 billion mark for the first time. Output is expected to rise by 3.2% next year. As far as the economy’s ups and downs, the 2010s will be a decade most Spaniards will want to turn the page on after the country’s banking sector had to be bailed out by the EU in the hangover of its housing bubble, with the consequent strict austerity policies which were the only game in town at the time. Spaniards can feel a bit more upbeat about the 2020 as its equator approaches, after a start which made many feared a lost decade was on the cards amid a health emergency that put the country under one of Europe’s strictest lockdowns, in a place where being outside is the norm, and with tourism brought to its knees. It was not to be. Society’s mental health may still be reeling, and may do so for years to come, but the economy’s health is evident and, moreover, the recovery is reaching sectors outside services, creating hopes the much-needed diversification in the economy might finally be taking place. Just like after its accession to the EU in the 1980s, generous and well-targeted subsidies from the 27-country bloc are propping up the green economy and, with it, manufacturing. However, the motor of the recovery has once again been tourism: more than 80 million people visit Spain annually, a trend increasing post-2020. Much has been written about how after the pandemic consumers are prioritizing spending on ‘experiences’, rather than goods: Spain has developed over the past 50 years one of the world’s strongest tourism sectors. Meanwhile, the booming and fiscally prudent Germany of the 2010s has in the space of just two years turned into the sick man of Europe as it pays a high price for its decades-long geostrategic error of over depending on Russian natural gas, an error which has hit the chemicals industry hard. The IMF said this week Germany’s output in 2024 is expected to be flat, compared with 2023, a year which was already hard on Germany as the peak of the energy crisis sank in. Spain’s healthy macroeconomic and chemicals sector-specific figures come against a backdrop of political woes. Spain has not been immune to the current European trend of strong and corrosive polarization. Since July 2023, the center-left government has been navigating in a minority in Parliament. Pedro Sanchez’s cabinet minority has raised the prospects it may not be able to pass a Budget for 2025, the most important vote annually in Madrid’s Congreso de los Diputados. While under Spanish law, the cabinet could extend this year’s Budget into next, its inability to pass a new Budget to implement its recent electoral promises would weaken it greatly. Meanwhile, passing a Budget for 2025 before the year-end would come to guarantee the cabinet’s survival for at least another two years – if needed, it could expand 2025’s budget into 2026. The term is due to end in 2027. While the economy booms, Spanish politics is suffering a Latin Americanization process – experts’ theory that political instability and fragmentation, leading to weaker Administrations, is the new norm after the hangover of the 2008 financial crash came to end the previous bi-partisan system of alternance in office. ‘ROCKET’ DOMESTIC ECONOMY IS CHEMICALS GAINThis week, the IMF raised up its GDP growth forecast for Spain in 2024 to 2.9%, up from its July forecast of 2.4% and one percentage point above its forecast a year ago. In 2025, Spain’s output is expected to expand by 2.1%. Both years, the country’s growth is set to be well above that of the eurozone’s two largest economies, Germany and France. IMF GDP GROWTH FORECASTSWorld and main European economies 2024 Versus July forecast 2025 Versus July forecast World 3.2 0.0 3.2 -0.1 Germany 0.0 -0.2 0.8 -0.5 France 1.1 0.2 1.1 -0.2 UK 1.1 0.4 1.5 0.0 Italy 0.7 0.0 0.8 -0.1 Spain 2.9 0.5 2.1 0.0 The healthy macroeconomic figures are filtering down nicely to the chemicals sector, still feeling the scars of the falls in sales and output in 2023, after years of relentless growth except for 2020. Strong domestic demand and, in 2024, a recovery in exports – which account for around two-thirds of Spain’s chemical sales have allowed the sector to weather the storm better in peers in other major eurozone economies. In the post-pandemic instability, Spanish chemicals sales rose sharply in 2021 and 2022, as prices globally shot up, but fell by nearly 7% in 2023 as prices came down, with output declining by 0.7% compared with 2022. In 2024, the story has been one of growth again, as already forecast in an interview with ICIS in July by Feique’s director general. “Prices are recovering from the lows we saw in 2023 – I think by the end of the year selling prices on average should reach pre-crisis levels. Demand at home is holding up strongly and exports remain healthy,” said Juan Labat at the time. “In Spain, production of basic chemicals is recovering strongly, and this is important because output in that subgroup had fallen the most, down 11% in 2023, but it is up 8% year to date [to July]. Practically all sectors are performing well – paints, personal care, pharmaceuticals… Considering the economics of countries around us, the Spanish economy is bit of a rocket.” For comparison, chemicals sales in Germany, the largest chemicals producer in Europe, stood at €229.3 billion in 2023, in a powerful manufacturing sector which employs 470,000 workers. For comparison again, Spain’s chemicals companies are expected to close 2024 with a 250,000-strong workforce. However, the headline positive figures hide underperformance in key sectors, according to Feique’s President, Teresa Rasero, who is also the board’s chair at Spain’s subsidiary of French industrial gases major Air Liquide. This week, Feique’s annual assembly re-elected her for the post for another year. Rasero said that while consumer chemicals, specialties, and health products are growing healthily, basic chemicals are still struggling with high energy costs, worsened by Spain’s “non-existent or very low” public support for energy-intensive industries, compared with peers such as Germany or France. In the EU jargon, this is called the carbon emission rights expenses. Feique said that figure in Spain in 2024 is expected to stand at a mere €300m annually in coming years, well below the support which neighboring countries have deployed, which runs into the billions. “[Emissions expenses compensation is] non-existent or very low compared to the few countries that have established a comparable regime. The problem is that it is precisely the production of basic chemicals or other similar energy-intensive industrial sectors that are essential to maintaining our strategic autonomy,” said Rasero. “We need more competitive energy prices and to accelerate the decarbonization processes, which are key aspects for the future of the European productive economy.” Feique’s president said the €300 million support in Spain is set to fall very short in a chemicals sector which would need €3 billion annually in investments to decarbonize between 2025 and 2050, according to the trade group’s forecast – a whooping €75 billion which will hardly be realized if all the effort is to come just from the private sector. The trade group said the annual €3 billion would need to be distributed in €1.7 billion for capital expenditure (capex) to build and modernize chemicals plants; €850 million for operational adjustments during technological transitions; and €450 million for maintenance and regulatory compliance. The daunting task is clearly showed in the headline figure of what the industry must achieve: Spain’s chemicals must reduce 12.4 million tonnes of annual CO2 emissions by 2050. DECARBONIZATION FUND: WHO PAYS?The Spanish cabinet has spent months negotiating a bill with employers and employees representatives an industrial policy, with both sides supporting the overall bill’s targets. With the decarbonization challenge hurrying along, Spain may be finally coming to terms with the fact that its weakened manufacturing sectors need revival, so it is able to weather storms such as the 2020 shock, when airports, hotels, and beaches remained empty. Spain’s manufacturing accounts for around 12% of its GDP. Economists’ mantra about a healthy economy being one in which 20% of its output comes from manufacturing only rings true, among the EU’s major economies, in Germany, after decades of delocalization and deindustrialization in most of Europe. Spain’s attempt to pass an industrial policy worth the name is also a bit of a novelty: the country’s policymakers had not sat to negotiate a similar initiative since the 1980s, when the country seemed to confidently put most of its eggs in the tourism basket, Barcelona’s 1992 Olympics catalyst included. With that industrial policy bill expected to pass, Feique is proposing to include in its implementation the creation of a decarbonization fund. “[The Decarbonization Fund could be financed with] at least 50% of the income from emission rights, which last year reached €3.5 billion. We estimate the fund should aim for a figure close to €2.5 billion annually, which would help guarantee the continuity of our country's strategic industrial assets in a competitive manner," said Rasero. In the past years, Feique’s executives have said, publicly but also privately, that the cabinet has been prone to listen to the trade group’s lobbying, giving an access to the corridors of power it lacked in the past, as the cabinet aims to expand and improve manufacturing employment. Taking advantage of that, Feique is confident the bill will include proposals to implement carbon contracts which would resemble those already in place in EU countries such as Germany and the Netherlands – another chemistry hub due to its location – as well as Denmark. “Our objective is that carbon contracts for difference [compensation to energy-intensive sectors] can be applied to essential technologies for decarbonization such carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), electrification, hydrogen, and renewable gases, oriented both to supply and demand requirements, when necessary,” said Rasero. SPAIN POLICIES, EU-WIDE DECISIONS The 27-country EU remains, despite recent setbacks and delays to key policies, the world’s self-declared champion in the effort to decarbonize, a move which could not come sooner in a region which mostly lacks all the conventional energy sources that have fueled the modern industrial era. Whether the bloc and the world at large are able to decarbonize in such a relatively short period of time – target for 2050 in the EU, 2060 in countries such India or China – remains to be seen. However, for Spain specifically, climate change deceleration and adaptation are set to be key challenges in years to come, as increasing and more intense heatwaves and droughts hit its powerful agricultural sector, as well as human health. However, certain wave against urgent decarbonization targets is gaining traction in the EU, fueled by climate change skepticism related to the loss of jobs. The trend is reaching the EU’s capital Brussels, where policymakers are considering delays in the targets. Turning upside down an industrial model created over the past two centuries in just two decades was always going to be a challenge, to put it mildly. Industry players in all sides – employers and employees – around the EU have, have been lobbying hard for some of those delays, which will invariably increment regulatory burdens and, most likely, costs. In July, Feique’s Labat he said the EU’s new approach to industry was good news, but added finetuning is needed if the EU is serious about safeguarding its diminished remaining industrial fabric. For example, he was very critical of the many changes to the deadlines for phasing out some polluting technologies, which only contribute to create uncertainty for many businesses, he said, arguing companies do want to go greener but are fearful of failing along the way if the regulatory environment is unstable. “What we saw, for example, with Green Deal targets for certain technologies to be phased out by 2035, which soon after the Deal’s passing were changed to 2033: that is simply not serious and the opposite of legal certainty,” said Labat. “We want to go greener, but it would help if the authorities understood the huge undertaking this will mean. And, obviously, companies in our sector don’t work out their capex [capital expenditure] plans with just the short or medium term in mind: those assets are planned for several decades.” In another interview with ICIS in July, the chemicals lead at the country's main trade union, Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), said the industry's workers do see an opportunity in the EU Green Deal, rather than a threat, but added that tight timeframes risk jeopardizing that support. “We have had cases, like in automotive, where obviously adapting a plant producing combustion engine vehicles to produce EVs [electric vehicles] is an expensive and time-consuming process: the authorities want us to go faster than we could possibly go,” said Daniel Martinez at the time. “And, still on EVs, the infrastructure across the EU – with a few exceptions – remains far from what is needed for a full transition towards electric mobility. We need to be realistic here.” All in all, he concluded, moves by some political groups in the EU to practically dismantle the Green Deal are not welcomed by the chemicals industry as a whole, which is set to benefit from the green transition, he said, describing himself as a “techno-optimistic.” This week, Rasero said the EU’s current music about industry is starting to rhyme, after the recent publication of official reports by Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi, showing a potentially competitive pathway towards an EU’s decarbonized industry, as well as the approval of the EU's Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. She also mentioned the chemical industry’s own Declaration of Antwerp. While fully supporting decarbonization efforts by 2050, the private-led initiative was mostly an emergency cry for extended state support if the endeavor is to be successful. “The EU must propose an industrial model that is simultaneously oriented towards sustainability and competitiveness, and which always keeps in mind the objective of reducing the costly and complex regulatory framework and the administrative burdens that flood us with inefficiencies,” said Rasero. “The model must serve to reduce the cost of energy in the EU, guarantee access to critical and strategic raw materials, and effectively transform industrial sectors while respecting technological neutrality.” SPAIN CHEMICAL SALESTurnover in thousand million euros Annual change in % Source: Feique Insight by Jonathan Lopez


SE Asia reliance on fossil fuel to stay high at 70% by 2030

SINGAPORE (ICIS)–Fossil fuels will still account for a huge portion of southeast Asia's energy mix, projected at 70% by the end of the decade, but carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects should help the region achieve its emissions goal. SE Asia not hitting renewable energy targets CCS deemed most cost-effective means to hit emission targets Subsidies key to promote CCS investments Currently, the region relies on coal, oil and gas for about 80% of its energy requirement amid strong economic growth, with the share of renewable energy low at less than a fifth of the total. Southeast Asia has only achieved 16% of renewable energy in its current energy mix, well below the 22% target by 2035, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) deputy executive director Beni Suryadi at the recently concluded Asian Downstream Summit in Singapore. The Asian Downstream Summit on 23-24 October was held during the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) conference, which ends Friday. Economic development and geopolitical uncertainties have played roles in the region’s inability to achieve the targeted energy mix, he said. Southeast Asia is expected to become the world’s fourth largest regional economy in 2030, he said. Against this backdrop, CCS is expected help the region ensure energy security while helping it to become carbon neutral, Suryadi said. CCS will be the “most cost-efficient” support for energy security in the region, but the energy transition will need significant financial and technical support, said Pattabhi Raman Narayanan, advisor at engineering consultancy Becht Canada. Raman also stressed the importance of international cooperation in this undertaking. GOVERNMENT SUPPORT NEEDED FOR CCS PROJECTS The main challenges facing countries in southeast Asia in implementing CCS include cost of capture, cost of shipping and bankability. To encourage more investment in carbon capture technology, governments may be required to step in and offer subsidies, as is currently the case in Europe, said Neeraj Kumar, director of commercial chemicals and business development at Vopak Terminals Singapore, a unit of Dutch logistics firm Vopak. Infrastructure also needs to be built up, he added. “To begin any project, to have a long-term infrastructure … we do need a long-term commitment. We are talking about 15, 20 years of commitment to make that value chain sustainable, to pay for it,” Kumar said. “The government needs to step in and coordinate the first three people to make that jump (and invest in CCS).” Singapore has taken the first step. The city-state announced in March this year that it is partnering a consortium formed by global energy majors ExxonMobil and Shell to study the feasibility of a cross-border CCS project and start development by 2030. Indonesia’s state-owned energy company Pertamina is also working with ExxonMobil to advance an evaluation on a CCS hub as of May 2024, while its government has agreed with Singapore to collaborate on cross-border CCS. Meanwhile, Malaysia’s state-owned Petronas in June 2024 agreed to collaborate with Norway-based risk management firm DNV to develop CCS value chains across southeast Asia. Separately, the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) said on 22 October that southeast Asia needs to increase its clean energy investments to $190 billion by 2035 to achieve its climate goals. Focus article by Jonathan Yee


PODCAST: PPRC '24 How plastics face a difficult journey through recycling chain

HOUSTON (ICIS)–US recycled plastics Senior Editor Emily Friedman and Americas recycled plastics Analyst Josh Dill, reflect on their experiences and key takeaways from the 2024 Paper and Plastics Recycling Conference held in Chicago, Illinois this week. Listen in as they dive into various topics regarding material recovery facilities (MRFs), extended producer responsibility (EPR), recycled content brand commitments, chemical recycling and more.


PODCAST: Asia methanol impacted by geopolitical uncertainty, supply cuts expected in Q4

SINGAPORE (ICIS)–Asian methanol markets in recent weeks were driven more by sentiment than changes in fundamentals as participants respond to an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. However, some supply changes in coming months are expected to alter the landscape in Q1 2025. Gas shortages in Q4 lead to expectations of lower supply China market sees correction after post-holiday exuberance Downstream demand tepid, expected to see slight recovery in Q4 In this chemical podcast, ICIS markets editor Damini Dabholkar and senior analyst Ann Sun discuss recent market conditions with an outlook ahead in Asia.


INSIGHT: Some US chems have started layoffs, defaulting

HOUSTON (ICIS)–Higher interest rates and weaker demand have led to shutdowns, layoffs and a couple of distressed debt exchanges that were considered defaults by ratings agencies. Nylon producer Ascend Performance Materials is closing a plant and laying off workers at another site. Cornerstone and SI Group held distressed debt exchanges. Mid-2025 recovery could be delayed if US mortgage rates remain elevated due to growing government debt. ASCEND SUMS UP CHALLENGES FOR CHEMSAscend's nylon 6,6 business is contending with a troubling mix of rising supplies in polyamides and weak demand from its key end markets of consumer goods, automobiles and housing. ICIS keeps track of global capacity for nylon 6 and nylon 6,6. By 2027, capacity should be nearly 70% larger than levels in 2022. Nearly all of the new capacity is being built in northeast Asia, which includes China. Another company, US-based paints and coatings producer PPG, is planning possible shutdowns and layoffs, but these will be primarily in Europe and certain other global businesses. DISTRESSED DEBT EXCHANGES FROM SI GROUP, CORNERSTONESI Group is expected to complete what a ratings agency considers to be another distressed debt exchange, which would lead to the company's second restricted default this year. SI declined to comment when the ratings note was issued in September. SI Group is facing the same difficult business conditions as Ascend, according to Fitch Ratings. Sales fell amid new capacity in China. SI Group makes specialty chemicals used in coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers (CASE) as well as in lubricants, fuels, surfactants and polymers. Cornerstone, the sole melamine producer in the US, is trying to sell some of its assets to avoid a second default. The company also makes acrylonitrile (ACN). Demand fell for both products fell, leading to large operating losses in 2023. COMPANIES HOLD OUT FOR SECOND HALF RECOVERYThe chemical industry is hopeful that falling inflation and interest rates will lead to a recovery in demand in 2025. "It is only a question of when, not if," said Heidi Petz, CEO of Sherwin-Williams, a US-based paints and coatings producer. Polyurethane producers expect a recovery could start in mid-2025, coinciding with the start of the US construction season and the cumulative effects of what it expects to be subsequent declines in interest rates. Lower mortgage rates would make housing more affordable, which would increase sales of new and existing homes. That would increase demand for furniture and appliances as well as for chemicals used to make paints, coatings, sealants and insulation. Lower interest rates would also make automobiles more affordable. The industry is suffering from a temporary lull, with PPG noting that original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) started taking unscheduled and prolonged downtime in Q3. The decline in interest rates will depend, in part, on US inflation remaining on track to reach the central bank's target of 2%. The danger is that inflation remains stubborn or, if it does fall, the lower benchmark interest rate does not fully translate into declines in longer term rates like US home loans. US home loans typically rise and fall with yields on 10-year Treasury notes, and an economist has warned that yields could remain elevated because of the growing US debt. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also warned about the consequences of growing government debt. If the link between longer term rates and government debt holds true, then that could limit or delay the recovery in demand expected by many chemical companies that sell materials used in durable goods. Insight by Al Greenwood


Idemitsu Kosan, Mitsubishi Corporation announce joint study on low-carbon ammonia

HOUSTON (ICIS)–Idemitsu Kosan and Mitsubishi Corporation announced they have agreed to jointly study the efficient operation of clean ammonia carriers and transshipment terminals. The companies said in a statement this effort will look at ExxonMobil’s planned low-carbon hydrogen and low-carbon ammonia production project in Baytown, Texas, as well as the offtake of ammonia. Further through this combined effort, Idemitsu and Mitsubishi Corporation intend on accelerating their study on structuring a supply chain for low-carbon ammonia which is procured from overseas. Idemitsu, which has established an ammonia import and receiving terminal at its Tokuyama Complex, said it aims to jointly introduce over 1 million short tons of ammonia as fuel and raw materials by 2030 in cooperation with other companies. For its part Mitsubishi Corporation said it is assessing the partial conversion of its Namikata terminal into an ammonia terminal. It is also preparing to build a hub terminal that will supply approximately 1 million short tons of ammonia annually to various industrial applications such as electricity, transportation and chemicals by 2030. Idemitsu and Mitsubishi Corporation said they both plan to supply the low-carbon ammonia volumes produced by this project to Japan through their receiving terminals.


PODCAST: Electric cracker furnace shows power of chemical industry innovation

LONDON (ICIS)–The overall winner of this year’s ICIS Innovation Awards – BASF, Linde and SABIC’s electrically heated steam cracker furnace – could have a massive impact on overall chemical industry emissions if the technology is widely adopted. World’s first electrically heated steam cracker at demonstration stage Cuts CO2 emissions by up to 95% compared with natural gas-fired crackers Tripartite win shows strength of partnerships Challenges include obtaining sufficient renewable energy, financing for scale up Financial risks can be reduced by converting one furnace at a time In this Think Tank podcast, Will Beacham interviews Michael Reitz, technology manager for BASF and Martin Hofstaetter, process engineer for furnace technology at Linde. Register your interest to enter the 2025 ICIS Innovation Awards. Editor’s note: This podcast is an opinion piece. The views expressed are those of the presenter and interviewees, and do not necessarily represent those of ICIS. ICIS is organising regular updates to help the industry understand current market trends. Register here . Read the latest issue of ICIS Chemical Business. Read Paul Hodges and John Richardson's ICIS blogs.


US Sherwin-Williams expects choppy H1, sees signs of consumer weakness

HOUSTON (ICIS)–Sherwin-Williams expects demand during the first half of 2025 will remain choppy while the company waits for what it expects will be an inevitable inflexion point for demand for its products, the US-based paints and coatings producer said on Tuesday. "The single largest variable heading into next year is the timing and pacing of a true inflexion in the demand environment," said Heidi Petz, CEO. She made her comments during an earnings conference call. "It is only a question of when, not if." Until that inflexion comes, Sherwin-Williams expects demand will remain choppy. During the third quarter, demand from consumers undertaking do-it-yourself (DIY) improvement projects remained soft, a trend also noted by RPM International, a company that makes coatings, adhesives and sealants. Sherwin-Williams attributed the softness for its DIY products to weaken existing home sales and inflation. For auto refinish products, insurance claims have fallen because consumers are reluctant to pay deductibles to get their vehicles repaired after accidents, Petz said. PPG also noted a decline in insurance claims. Near term, Sherwin-Williams warned about the possibility that its industrial customers could undergo extend holiday shutdowns. The company did not provide more details. However, US-based paints and coatings producer PPG did note that automobile original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) started taking unscheduled and prolonged downtime in the third quarter, and the trend should continue in the fourth quarter. DEMAND FROM HURRICANE REPAIRSHurricanes initially lower demand because they shut down paint stores and customers cannot immediately return to work. Ultimately, demand does rise after customers assess damage and pursue insurance claims. After about four weeks, demand for primers increases, Sherwin-Williams said. Sundries and paint then follow. Forecasting the effects of Hurricanes Helene and Milton are difficult because they hit weeks apart in the third and fourth quarters. TALK OF RENOVATION RESURGENCELonger term, the US could see a resurgence of home renovation projects, said Jim Jaye, senior vice president of investor relations. One of the economic indicators tracked by Sherwin-Williams is the Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity (LIRA), which is published by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. According to LIRA, spending for improvements and repairs on homes should expand once again by the middle of 2025. Economic growth, expected declines in inflation and higher home equity could encourage homeowners to undertake repairs and remodeling, he said. Paints and coatings are important end markets for many petrochemicals and resins. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used as a white pigment and to make paints opaque. Solvents used in paints and coatings include ethyl acetate (etac), butyl acetate (butac) and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). Polyurethane coatings are made with polyols and isocyanates such as methyl diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI). Acrylic based coatings are made with methyl methacrylate (MMA), and epoxy coatings are made with epoxy resins. Other chemicals used in paints and coatings include isopropanol (IPA) and vinyl acetate monomer (VAM). Thumbnail shows paint, one of the products made by Sherwin-Williams. Image by Oleksandr Latkun/imageBROKER/Shutterstock.


INSIGHT: ‘Bridge’ countries bring new opportunities as global trade flows fragment – Bertschi

BARCELONA (ICIS)–Changing trade flows driven by increasing friction between China, the US and their allies mean there will be demand for new chemical logistics routes and infrastructure, according to the executive chairman of chemical logistics group Bertschi. As direct chemical exports from China to the US decline, and more trade barriers go up, countries in Eastern Europe, southeast Asia plus Mexico and Turkey are acting as a stopping off points for indirect exports, while new chemical manufacturing also springs up in these areas, said Hans-Jorg Bertschi. He said: “The geopolitical situation also plays an important role – there are two blocs now – western countries and the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) led by China where we see a certain fragmentation of global trade. Chemical flows between China and the US are shrinking and we also now see a lot of triangulation trade where bridge countries in between take advantage of the situation.” Speaking on the side lines of the European Petrochemical Association’s annual conference in Berlin, he explained that China now transports a lot more chemicals to Mexico, where local manufacturers add value and then export finished goods to the US. Chemical producers – some from China – are building plants and businesses in Hungary and Turkey. There is also a flurry of activity in Morocco, India and Vietnam, which are all changing trade patterns around the globe, the executive believes. He said: “The reality is that new countries are emerging, which I call bridge countries between the blocs – some do not yet have the right chemicals infrastructure so here I would expect to see more investment in chemical logistics and supply chain infrastructure where there is growing local demand in addition to demand from regional fragmentation.” OTHER CHEMICAL TRADE FLOWS ALTER Bertschi pointed out that there is a clear increase of imports from the US to Europe based on the US feedstock advantage and growth of new-build facilities which are very efficient. “This has been going on for 3-4 years and will develop further. If you look at the average cracker size in Europe it’s about 350,000 tonnes/year whereas new world scale crackers are around 1 million tonnes/year. Also the average age of Europe’s crackers is 40-50… so I expect to see more closure announcements here, and more imports from the US, the Middle East and eventually from China.” CHEMICAL RECYCLING WILL DRIVE NEW LOGISTICS The chemical recycling sector is growing, with 83 projects in Europe alone recorded in the ICIS Recycling Supply Tracker – Chemical.  Globally the database records 173 sites and this nascent part of the chemical industry will create some completely new logistics requirements and trade flows according to Bertschi. He pointed out that the current linear model for chemical production just requires oil and gas to move mainly by pipeline to refinery and cracker sites. The finished products –  chemicals and polymers – are then distributed to downstream customers. The circular economy creates new flows of material which will require logistics support: “But now, with renewables, we have new flows of product which will require inbound logistics to deliver feedstocks into these plants. Pyrolysis oil will then be produced across regions which will require complex inbound logistics to refineries.” Bertschi has started placing storage centers near to crackers, plus heating and testing facilities for pyrolysis oil, which is a product of chemical recycling which can be used as a circular feedstock for chemical production. “This is not homogenous – it needs to be analysed before it is put into a cracker.  Previously just a pipe was needed but now complex inbound logistics will be required. We will import pyrolysis oil from across Europe and the US and some of this is already happening – this is at the beginning but it is becoming one of our growth drivers.” Interview by Will Beacham Image credit: Georgios Tsichlis/Shutterstock


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