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Asian Chemical Connections

Electricity And Freight: Measuring Up To The New China

By John Richardson FIRST of all they were brilliant, almost omnipotent, and so China represented a constant “long” option: Just shove more and more money in that direction and you were guaranteed to enjoy fantastic returns. The handful of middle-aged men who run China were then suddenly uniquely incompetent, meaning you simply had to short […]

Asia’s Ageing Populations: Challenges And Opportunities

By John Richardson EVERYONE should know by now that China faces a demographic crisis that, unless addressed, guarantees much lower GDP growth for many years to come. This explains the urgency of economic reforms designed to escape the “middle income trap”. But here are some disturbing statistics from the Asian Development Bank about other countries in […]

The West Is Becoming “Cash Poor And Time Rich”

By John Richardson Consumers in the West are moving from being ‘cash rich and time poor” to being “cash poor and time rich”. The reason is that Western fertility rates have below replacement level (2.1 babies/woman) for 45 years since 1970, meaning there are relatively fewer Wealth Creators. Another problem is the pension pot in […]

US Oil Exports And The Struggle For Jobs

By John Richardson THERE are few other genuine long-term bright spots in the US economy other than shale oil and shale gas unless you are at the very top of the economic pile and so view cloud computing, social media and internet search engines as equivalent to “Morning in America” again. Cloud computing, social media […]

The Price Of Oil: Another Huge Historical Shift

By John Richardson FIRST came the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989 followed by the reunification of Germany and the integration of Eastern Europe in general into the Western way of running the world. Then came China’s rise following the Deng Xiaoping 1992 “Southern Tour” and China’s admission to the World Trade Organisation in 2001. […]

China On The Right Track But US Derailed

By John Richardson LI Keqiang is spending on railways like it is still 2009, according to some analysts. In other words, they believe that China’s prime minister is pouring more money into this one area of infrastructure in a desperate and short-sighted attempt to shore-up economic growth – and they see this as a backward […]

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