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Oil Prices Falling Towards $35 On US Supply, China Demand

WTI continues its journey towards a possible $35/bbl by Q4 of this year on rising US shale-oil production and a slight slowdown in the Chinese economy with big implications for global economic growth. And $25/bbl or lower crude in 2018 seems perfectly possible on these same dynamics. By John Richardson THE US shale oil industry was never going to […]

Why Oil Prices Could Be At $35/bbl Or Lower By Q4

Saudi Arabia and the rest of OPEC may regret their decison to cut production, as this has led to a resurgence in US shale-oil production – and a further wave of innovation in shale technologies. Combine this with a slowdown in the Chinese economy and oil prices could be at $35/bbl or less by Q4 […]

US Oil, Gas, Chemicals Drowning In Excess Of Credit

By John Richardson THE US oil, gas and petrochemicals sectors are drowning in an excess of credit that has distorted rational analysis of long-term supply and demand fundamentals. So, just as is the case with China manufacturing in general, these misguided investments are in danger of contributing to a prolonged period of global deflation. Let’s […]

Crude Oil Price Risks Escalate

By John Richardson FINANCIAL speculators began to play an increasing role in crude-oil markets following liberalisation of financial trading rules, signed into law by Bill Clinton in 2000, as we argued in chapter 3 of our e-book, Boom Gloom & The New Normal. The disconnect between real supply and demand for crude and the influence […]

“You Can’t Turn Back The Demographic Tide”

  By John Richardson Our argument ument that demographics drive demand is gaining greater traction. Demographic challenges apply both to developed markets, where populations are rapidly ageing, and to emerging markets such as China, which confronts ithe consequences of its disastrous one-child policy. The slide above shows rising life expectancy – just one of the […]

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