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Asian Chemical Connections

Assessing Real Versus Sensationalised Risks

  Source of picture: www.sierraclubgreenhome.com   By John Richardson WHEN the bisphenol-A (BPA) health scare erupted a couple of years ago I rushed out and changed all my baby boy’s milk bottles to ones made from polypropylene (PP). “Did you know that there are concerns now being expressed in Europe about the plasticisers used in […]

Chemicals Growth Story Gets More Complicated

A Velozzi plug-in hybrid Source of picture: www.zerauto.nl.blog   By John Richardson Doom-mongers are claiming the end is nigh with the world heading for a double-dip recession. This is happening at the same as the optimists are talking of the world entering a new sunny upland of sustained exceptionally strong emerging-market growth, which will more-than […]

US Needs A Serious, Informed Energy Debate

Will he back raising fuel prices to European levels? Source of picture: sociologycompass.wordpress.com   By John Richardson IN the midst of the continuing BP oil-spill saga, here’s an important question for our American readers: Once the story is forgotten, meaning when it drops out of the 24-hour-news cycle, will you be willing to back tougher […]

Shale Gas Confronts BP Oil Disaster Threat

Deepwater disaster expected to impact shale gas  Source of picture: Minnpost.com     By John Richardson THE booming shale-gas industry could either benefit or suffer from the BP Gulf of Mexico oil-well disaster, with the end-result determined by the effect on energy prices of any long-term clampdown on deepwater and Arctic drilling. Those for and […]

China PVC Capacity Binge Clobbers Northeast Asia

By John Richardson CHINA’S capacity expansions in industries including steel, aluminium and petrochemicals continue to astound. Take polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for example., where, according to a new report by ChemSystems, “capacity (in China) has expanded from 5m tonne/year in 2003 to over 15m tonne/year in 2009, almost 90 percent of total global capacity expansion over […]

China And The Cold Weather: Heating The Great Outdoors

Stop complaining – it’s actually colder inside! Source of picture: www.gulfnews.com   By John Richardson As northern China shivers from the coldest temperatures in decades, one Western ex-pat based in the country vented his spleen on cultural impediments which cause huge energy wastage – and prevent everyone from keeping a little bit warmer. “My colleagues […]

Thai Start-ups: What A Muddle

  A real head scratcher…… Source of picture: www/http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com     By John Richardson Confused? Sorry, but so far we cannot be of much help bringing any precision to what the implications of Thailand’s Supreme Court ruling will mean for the timing of petrochemical start-ups. If you remember, last Friday we wrote about how the Supreme Court […]

China PE To Grow By 35% – Latest ’09 Forecast

  Money to be made, or saved, again?….. Source of picture: www.evworld.com   After last week’s estimates, a big producer (who wishes to remain anonymous) has given us his forecasts for the strength of 2009 growth in demand for polyolefins in China – see full details in the article below. Interestingly, he saw the dip in […]

Thai project delays good news for markets, but…..

….what do these environmental issues mean for Thailand as an investment destination?     The Map Ta Phut refinery-petrochemicals complex Source of picture: Pattaya News       By Malini Hariharan (Malini is now joint blogger for Asian Chemical Connections) Here’s yet another unexpected project delay that could prop up markets in the fourth quarter. […]

Western Polymers: Get Out Or Get Cleverer?

MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION (SORRY, OUCH….!) Source of Picture: www.autospies.com The automobile industry in the West has been bought more time by economic stimulus, as this article in The Economist points out. But some of the discussions at the Frankfurt International Motor Show, which takes place on 15-27 September, will be about the future […]

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